IMG 20180510 134706 resized 20180510 030830838This year Strzegom Horse Trials is getting closer and it’s getting hot in Strzegom - a true summer has come, there are some serious works on a cross country course and we’ve got first entries.

- The weather is on our side. It’s warm and sunny what allows us to work intensively on a cross country - says Marcin Konarski, the Event Director and Course Designer in one.

A lot will change on this year course. The biggest improvement will be new water fence on the national classes cross country track.
Some new hills have been created to make cross country course even more spectacular. And that’s not all - there will be some new fences in each class and new sponsors.
The rivalry on two cross country test days - which will be Saturday and Sunday - is going to be very exciting.

- I hope that the courses we are preparing will turn out to be enjoyable for both riders and horses but also will give an opportunity to learn and get experience. The level of this year courses after last 2 very difficult editions will be this year softer and give riders more possibilities - Marcin Konarski sums up.

It’s less than 50 days now till Strzegom Horse Trials. The event will go on 28th of Jun till 1st of July. In the schedule there are all the classes and levels: CI–SHORT 1*/2*/3*and CI–LONG 1*/2*/3*. CNC L, CNC P. First entries were admitted at the beginning of month. The deadline for entries is 29th of May.

See you in Strzegom!!!

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Czwartek / Thursday, 20.06.2024
Ujeżdżenie / Dressage

Piątek / Friday, 21.06.2024
Ujeżdżenie / Dressage

Sobota / Saturday, 22.06.2024
Cross country
Skoki / Showjumping

Niedziela / Sunday, 23.06.2024
Cross country
Skoki / Showjumping





#SHTStrzegom #eventing #Poland #Strzegom #StrzegomSpringOpen⁠ #StrzegomHorseTrials⁠ #StrzegomPonies #StrzegomSummerTour⁠ #StrzegomOctoberFestival

Logo FEI NC Eventing

FEI Eventing Nations Cup™ Calendar 2024

 Montelibretti (ITA)  CCIO4*-NC-S  14-17.03.2024
 Chatsworth (GBR)  CCIO4*-NC-S  17-10.05.2024
 Millstreet (IRL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  30.05-02.06.2024
 Avenches (SUI)  CCIO4*-NC-S  06-09.06.2024
 Strzegom (POL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  20-23.06.2024
 Arville (BEL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  15-18.08.2024
 Lignières (FRA)  CCIO4*-NC-S  26-29.09.2024
 Boekelo (NED)  CCIO4*-NC-L  10-13.10.2024