Michael JungA touch of RIO 2016 could almost be felt in the air today as we launched the CICO3* - NC Dressage this morning and set off the first riders in the 4 classes on the demanding and technical XC course.

Stefano Brecciaroli

What a fantastic day it´s been - The riders and horses has been as striking as the sun today, resulting in a rewarding day with lots of great sport. Lots of water to both humans and horses keeps everybody on top – and an occasional carrot perhaps to the horses!


We set by a draw the order of teams participating in the Nations Cup. The first team to start is from Sweden.

The teams order is: Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway and Great Britain.

Tomorrow we are starting the Dressage Test, on Saturday XC and finally Show Jumping on Sunday.

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We could not have asked for a better start as we kick of the 14th edition of The STRZEGOM HORSE TRIALS. The sun is shining from a blue sky so it´s perfect out door weather for both horses and riders. Caps, sunglasses and shots are everywhere! Fingers crossed that the sun will stay on for the weekend.

Linda AlgotssonIt´s a busy afternoon here at the Strzegom Horse Trials as the horse trucks keep arriving from all over Europe. Linda Algotsson, Karin Donkers, Ingrid Klimke, Stefano Breciaroli and many more has already arrived or on their way to this week’s event.

spacer2016 is a year of big changes on a cross country course. Those changes prepare our hippodrome for a unique occasion coming next year- European Championships.
The biggest investment, which we can take advantage of even in this season, is new, rebuilt water fence. It looks impressive at the moment.
After three years with cross country starting towards show jumping arena, where horses negotiated first few fences, now we will start in opposite direction.

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Czwartek / Thursday, 20.06.2024
Ujeżdżenie / Dressage

Piątek / Friday, 21.06.2024
Ujeżdżenie / Dressage

Sobota / Saturday, 22.06.2024
Cross country
Skoki / Showjumping

Niedziela / Sunday, 23.06.2024
Cross country
Skoki / Showjumping





#SHTStrzegom #eventing #Poland #Strzegom #StrzegomSpringOpen⁠ #StrzegomHorseTrials⁠ #StrzegomPonies #StrzegomSummerTour⁠ #StrzegomOctoberFestival

Logo FEI NC Eventing

FEI Eventing Nations Cup™ Calendar 2024

 Montelibretti (ITA)  CCIO4*-NC-S  14-17.03.2024
 Chatsworth (GBR)  CCIO4*-NC-S  17-10.05.2024
 Millstreet (IRL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  30.05-02.06.2024
 Avenches (SUI)  CCIO4*-NC-S  06-09.06.2024
 Strzegom (POL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  20-23.06.2024
 Arville (BEL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  15-18.08.2024
 Lignières (FRA)  CCIO4*-NC-S  26-29.09.2024
 Boekelo (NED)  CCIO4*-NC-L  10-13.10.2024