SHTThis year's, 15th edition of the Strzegom Horse Trials is already in a month - in the middle of May the first riders will come to Morawa.
Soon, because on Monday 17th April, we will finish accepting entries and find out who this year is going to face with the heavily rebuilt cross country in Strzegom.

This year's Strzegom Horse Trials will be held more than five weeks earlier than traditionally. The very intensive preparations of the cross country are now taking place. This year riders can expect a lot of changes. Most of them are the results of preparation the facility for the FEI European Eventing Championships in August.

The most important change, which is waiting for the riders, is the start and the finish of the cross country, which are placed on the other side of the road. The start and the finish will be moved near today's CCI3 * fence number 3. Thanks to that, both the start and the finish will be much closer to the stables, so it will be easier for the competitors to get there and return.

- The cross was designed in such way to give the last chance to familiarize with the topography of the Strzegom cross for horses and competitors who are preparing for the European Championships and on the other side to motivate the horses and riders before the start of the next preparation period – concludes Marcin Konarski, Event Director and the cross-country builder.

- This applies to 3-star, 1-star and 2-star competitions. On the crossroads of the 3 stars, of course will be some obstacles that have been made specifically for the FEI European Eventing Championships.

During the Strzegom Horse Trials will be held six international competitions: CIC1 *, CCI1 *, CIC2 *, CCI2 *, CCI3 * and CICO3 * - FEI Nations Cup ™ Eventing. The Nations Cup™ competition is the most prestigious cycle in the International Equestrian Federation calendar. The first event of the series will be played in the Italian Montelibretti (22-23 April), followed shortly thereafter by the Strzegom Horse Trials.

We invite you to Strzegom for a month!

sht2019 daty 600x600a



Czwartek / Thursday, 20.06.2024
Ujeżdżenie / Dressage

Piątek / Friday, 21.06.2024
Ujeżdżenie / Dressage

Sobota / Saturday, 22.06.2024
Cross country
Skoki / Showjumping

Niedziela / Sunday, 23.06.2024
Cross country
Skoki / Showjumping





#SHTStrzegom #eventing #Poland #Strzegom #StrzegomSpringOpen⁠ #StrzegomHorseTrials⁠ #StrzegomPonies #StrzegomSummerTour⁠ #StrzegomOctoberFestival

Logo FEI NC Eventing

FEI Eventing Nations Cup™ Calendar 2024

 Montelibretti (ITA)  CCIO4*-NC-S  14-17.03.2024
 Chatsworth (GBR)  CCIO4*-NC-S  17-10.05.2024
 Millstreet (IRL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  30.05-02.06.2024
 Avenches (SUI)  CCIO4*-NC-S  06-09.06.2024
 Strzegom (POL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  20-23.06.2024
 Arville (BEL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  15-18.08.2024
 Lignières (FRA)  CCIO4*-NC-S  26-29.09.2024
 Boekelo (NED)  CCIO4*-NC-L  10-13.10.2024